Why does NMP want my personal information?
All NMP Matchers require some personal information at registration, but that is largely to ensure that the applicants who register for a Match can be verified as eligible to participate in that Match. It also allows NMP staff to appropriately identify individuals who request support via phone and email. NMP never sells or shares personal information with third parties.
What is the latest I can register for an NMP Match?
The last date for registration varies with each Match, but can be found on the Match schedule of dates. Typically, the final registration deadline is also the Rank List Deadline.
How can I tell my rank list is certified and ready to be used in an NMP Match?
The Match Status field in the iMatch system will read “Certified” when a rank list is final. Also, NMP will send a confirmation email that includes the number of programs on your list.
Can I make changes to my rank list after I certify it?
Yes, rank lists can be modified any number of times until the Rank List Deadline for a Match. No additions, deletions, or changes can be made to rank lists after the deadline. If a certified rank list is changed by adding, moving, or deleting a position it must be recertified for it to be used in the Match. The iMatch system does not save previous versions of rank lists.
Are Match results released immediately after the Rank List Deadline?
Match results are not released immediately after the Rank List Deadline because NMP takes a number of steps to ensure the accuracy of Match results, including:
- Checking the integrity of the data
- Transferring the data to the matching algorithm module, rechecking the data, and processing the algorithm
- Verifying the results of a Match and transferring the data into the iMatch system
NMP also takes the time to create reports that track Match participation and results for participants and Match sponsors and to upload those reports in the iMatch system before Match Day.
How does the matching algorithm work?
The process begins with an attempt to match an an individual to the program most preferred on that individual’s rank list. If a match cannot be made to that first-choice program, an attempt then is made to place the individual into the second-choice program, and so on, until the individual obtains a tentative match or all the individual’s choices on the rank list have been considered. When the process is complete for all applicants, all tentative matches become final.
How will I know if I have matched to a program?
Match results are released based upon the policies of the Match sponsor. In most cases, NMP Match participants may log in to the iMatch system on Match Day using their username and password and
- Find out whether they matched and, if so, to which position, and
- View associated reports
What happens if I do not match to a position?
Some NMP Matches post an Unfilled Programs list on Match Day. Individuals who learn that they did not match to a position can access the list in the iMatch system to identify unfilled positions.
How will I know if my position(s) filled?
Match results are released based upon the policies of the Match sponsor. In most cases, on Match Day, representatives of organizations with positions in a Match may log in to the iMatch system to obtain Match results and associated reports.
What happens if my organization does not fill all positions?
After a Match has concluded, some NMP Matches post an Unfilled Positions lit as well as an Unmatched Applicants list in the iMatch system. Participants who did not match can access the Unfilled Positions list, and representatives of organizations with unfilled positions can learn which individuals are without a position. Parties can use the reports to guide communication with each other about a possible training/professional opportunity post-Match.